29 Apr 2015
Recon Helixes Released by Spartan Games
It’s time for Firestorm Planetfall commanders to bolster their armies as we make Recon Helixes available to every major force. We’re also giving you the chance to pick up even more infantry with the new Light Infantry Upgrade boxed sets. Admirals will also need to keep their wits about them as new boxed sets for the Hawker Industries and Works Raptor are introduced to Firestorm Armada.
22 Apr 2015
17 Apr 2015
Wargames Illustrated Under New Ownership
We are pleased to announce that as of 1 April 2015 Wargames Illustrated Limited is now under the sole ownership of previous editor Dan Faulconbridge.
Dan has been working on WI for ten years now (since WI200) under the stewardship of original owner/creator Duncan Macfarlane and most recently for Battlefront Miniatures.
Dan would like to thank all the guys at Battlefront and particularly the previous Editor in Chief John Paul and owner Peter Simunovich for allowing him to wrestle complete control of the magazine from them, and for their guidance over the last few years.
Wargames Illustrated’ s relationship with Battlefront will continue to be a close one, with the two companies continuing to share premises in Nottingham, WI continuing to feature top quality Flames Of War articles on a regular basis, and Battlefront continuing to distribute the magazine.
The look of the magazine won’t alter radically for the foreseeable future – we will continue to ‘illustrate wargames’ to the highest possible standards. We will also be working tirelessly behind the scenes on creating new ventures and new platforms for ‘the world’s foremost wargames magazine’.
New Non-Hex Crater Sets
Latest Addition to the Hexon Terrain System
The new Non-hex crater sets available both flocked and unflocked. They are also available in desert flock – great for Sci-Fi gaming! The craters come in sets of three, which include one large, one medium and one small moulding.
The Non-hex craters come in sets of three. These terrain features are thermoformed, using a lightweight, strong, tough, durable, high-impact polymer. The shell moldings can stack inside each other for easy, space efficient storage.
These new terrain features are suitable for 6mm – 28mm gaming. They are ideal for use with our expanding WWI miniatures range, which now has over 90 different packs covering both early and late war.
Take a look at the website for full details of all our new releases and our full product ranges at Kallistra.
Kallistra Ltd
New Multi-Hex Crater Sets
Latest Addition to the Hexon Terrain System
The new Multi-hex crater sets are now available, both flocked, unflocked brown and desert flocked, ideal for historical and sci-fi gaming!
The multi-hex craters come in sets of four, which include 1 x 2-Hex, 1 x 3-Hex, 1 x 4-Hex and 1 x 7-Hex molding. These terrain features are thermoformed, using a lightweight, strong, tough, durable, high-impact polymer. The shell moldings can stack inside each other for easy, space efficient storage.
These new terrain features are suitable for 6mm to 28mm gaming. They are ideal for use with our expanding WWI miniatures range, which now has over 90 different packs covering both early and late war.
Take a look at the website for full details of all our new releases and our full product ranges at Kallistra.
Good Ground LLC, Release Iron Brigade
Newly arrived are the new Iron Brigade figures sculpted by Robi Baker, which are my first new addition to the Plank Road Line. We will have these up on the site by this Saturday. They will be available as the regular individual packs or as an Iron Brigade Battle Pack complete with appropriate flags. Robi is working now on Zouaves for the Plank Road Line as well. Also new at Little Wars are the latest addition to our vast line of 10mm flags. We will add XI and XII Corps from Gettysburg to the already large number of Old Gunny flags made exclusively for Good Ground. No one has more variety in flags for this scale. Remember, Tim Harrop, the Old Gunny himself, donates his proceeds to historical museums and veterans memorials.
As noted above, these little gems will be available in four different headgear configurations to go along with our usual variety of poses. I am very excited to have Robi onboard. As you can see, he is very talented.
Our original sculptor, Bob Soutar, has been hard at work creating Early-War CS Militia, which can also serve as U.S. Regulars from 1861-62. These will be available in Kepi or Kepi with Havelock, and can be teamed up with our original Cracker Line infantry in Slouch Hats and Frock Coats for an almost infinite variety. These will be ready in May.
I will also have all the new guns and the wagon team recently remastered by Toby Barrett of Thoroughbred Miniatures available at Little Wars.
Newlines, Third Rate Ship
Newline Designs 10mm Third Rate Ship of the Line! Available at Salute.
The complete kit includes all-metal parts, guns, crew, fighting tops, etc. Wooden masts, cloth sails, and a detailed set of instructions – £50.00
Also available as a separate 30-figure pack is the 10mm ship's crew for £4.00
14 Apr 2015
ECW Casualty Markers Released Pendraken
New ECW casualty markers have been released by Pendraken
EC38 Casualty marker in hat (10)
EC39 Casualty marker in helmet (10)
EC40 Mounted casualty marker in hat (5)
EC41 Mounted casualty marker in helmet (5)
ECW casualty markers
EC38 Casualty marker in hat (10)
EC39 Casualty marker in helmet (10)
EC40 Mounted casualty marker in hat (5)
EC41 Mounted casualty marker in helmet (5)
ECW casualty markers
Cordwood Stacks Released From Pendraken
This little item can be seen on the cover of this book:
…and after being requested by one of our forum members, we thought that they seemed like such a useful bit of kit that we thought we'd get them done!
These come in two sizes, and are great for a bit of terrain, or as handy cover for your troops. We've put them in with our 19th C. Accessories section, but they will do happily do duty in other periods.
19th Century Accessories
FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small (10)
FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large (10)
And the pics (with a FPW figure for sizing):
FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small
FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large
19th Century Accessories
…and after being requested by one of our forum members, we thought that they seemed like such a useful bit of kit that we thought we'd get them done!
These come in two sizes, and are great for a bit of terrain, or as handy cover for your troops. We've put them in with our 19th C. Accessories section, but they will do happily do duty in other periods.
19th Century Accessories
FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small (10)
FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large (10)
And the pics (with a FPW figure for sizing):
FPX3 – Cordwood stacks, small
FPX4 – Cordwood stacks, large
19th Century Accessories
New WWII Vehicles From Pendraken
We've previewed these recently on the forum, so Dave's been busy molding them up before Salute! In this batch, we've got the oft-requested A34 Comet, along with a couple of trucks as well.
WWII British
BR171 – A34 Comet
GR232 – Mercedes L4500 truck, open top
GR233 – Mercedes L4500 truck, with tilt
Pendraken Miniatures
WWII British
BR171 – A34 Comet
GR232 – Mercedes L4500 truck, open top
GR233 – Mercedes L4500 truck, with tilt
Pendraken Miniatures
9 Apr 2015
10mm Picts Released by Pendraken
PIC1 – Foot Command
PIC2 – Spearmen
PIC3 – Bowmen
PIC4 – Skirmishers with spear and crossbow
PIC5 – Cavalry with spear and shield
Army Pack – Contains 1 x PIC1, 3, 4, 5 and 3 x PIC2
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PIC1 – Foot Command |
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PIC2 – Spearmen |
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PIC3 – Bowmen |
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PIC4 – Skirmishers with spear and crossbow |
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PIC5 – Cavalry with spear and shield |
The Devil's Playground Supplement
Now available for pre-order, our very first Pike & Shotte supplement covers the devastating Thirty Years War, The Devil's Playground.
2 Apr 2015
Stalin’s Favorite. Volume 1: January 1943-June 1944: The Combat History of the 2nd Guards Tank Army from Kursk to Berlin
This is the first detailed combat history of any Soviet unit available in the English language known to the author. The 2nd Tank Army was not an ordinary force; by 1945 it was an elite Guards formation which played a decisive role in the Soviet offensive operations of that year and whose tanks were the first to enter Berlin's streets. The Army commander, Colonel-General Semen Bogdanov, became a Marshal of Armored Troops and was promoted to the position of Chief Commander of all armored and tank units of the USSR shortly after the war, and remained in this position until 1953. 2nd Guards Tank Army remained in Germany until 1993, a period of 48 years. It is the only Soviet Tank Army of the war that still exists today, now named 2nd Guards Army.
This study is based on the rarely available operational documents of the Army from the Central Archives of the Russian Defense Ministry and provides an analysis of every battle it fought in World War II. This includes Operation Citadel North (Kursk), Sevsk, Cherkassy, Tyrgul-Frumos and Jassy, Warsaw, Vistula-Oder, Pomerania (including Sonnenwende) and Berlin. What also differentiates this book is that it was created in cooperation with the senior army general (Anatoly Shvebig) who was an active participant in all the Army's engagements. Another unique point is that the combat operations are covered from both sides in a scope and scale that has never previously been attempted. The day by day coverage of events, honest views of the Army's commanders, full statistical data (including unit strengths, movements, and casualties for each operation from both Russian and German points of view), and the 'human element' based on the exciting firsthand reminiscences of Soviet tank officers all make this study an incredibly valuable source of information on tank battles fought on the Eastern Front 1943-1945. According to Major-General Anatoly Svebig, deputy commander of 12th Guards Tank Corps within the 2nd Guards Tank Army, this is the best study on any Soviet unit he has ever seen in his long life!
Volume 1 focuses on the first half of the Army's service in the Great Patriotic War. 2nd Tank Army was created in January 1943. In spring and summer of 1943 it was engaged in the fierce battles at Sevsk and Kursk. Combat experience was heavily paid for in blood. The Army played a critical role in containing a strike of the German III. Panzerkorps in February 1944, aimed at rescuing units in the Cherkassy pocket. In March-April 1944 2nd GTA carried out a deep raid to Uman and was amongst the first Russian units that crossed the Romanian border. In May-June 1944 Army was engaged in combats at Tyrgul Frumos and Jassy against strong German armored forces belonging to 'Grossdeutschland' and 24. Panzer-Division. The text is fully supported by specially commissioned color maps and an extensive selection of photographs, many from private collections in Russia. Volume 2 will provide a detailed record of the Army for the remainder of World War II, including its elevation to Guards status later in 1944.
Stalin’s Favorite. Volume 2: From Lublin to Berlin, July 1944-May 1945: The Combat History of the 2nd Guards Tank Army from Kursk to Berlin
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