Rapid Fire Wargaming Rules by Colin Rumford and Richard Marsh is a set of fast play miniatures rules which enables players to re-fight brigade-level combined arms engagements during WW II. Provides an interesting mix of supporting weapons to go with your infantry, such as artillery, aircraft and armour. Very good rule set to introduce players to World War II miniature gaming.
120 full-colour, custom-designed pages
Comprehensive basic and advanced rules sections
15 pages of pictorial organisation charts for major nations
Vehicle and gun charts free to support the above
Numbered rules set out in a clear order of play for easy reference
Rules explanation backed by 100 + photos and 30 diagrams.
Two scenarios, that you can replay, illustrating the rules in action
Advanced rules for everything from medical support to air combat
Practical tips and hints to help you on the tabletop.
These rules are available directly at Rapid Fire and also available through my shop East Front Miniatures, Rapid Fire Rules and Supplements.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Fast Play World War Two Wargames Rules For use with 20mm Miniatures.
Includes 8 Scenarios:
- Hondeghem
- Gallabat
- Corinth Canal Bridge
- Honk Kong
- Vaagso
- Chebotarevsky
- Barce
- Safi
Plus 8 pages of colour Photographs.
73 Pages.
Rapid Fire Supplements
The Sainte-Mère-Église Counter-Attack
The town of Sainte-Mère-Église was a key objective of the US 82nd Airborne Division on D-Day 6th June 1944. It was a major cross roads on the main N13 road that connected Caen to Cherbourg and by daylight the town was in the hands of Lt Colonel Edward Krause’s 3rd Battalion of the 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment. The Germans reacted quickly and counter-attacked throughout the day. With the help of Lt Colonel Ben Vandervoort (John Wayne in the Longest Day) and his 2nd Battalion of ‘All Americans’ these attacks were repulsed.
A 200 point battlegroup of US paras against 350 point force of Germans which includes a rather mixed bag of armour support. The orders of battle are provided in our normal full colour graphical format and the battle map is drawn in the modular format in the popular Normandy Battlegames book.
Rapid Fire! Blitzkrieg Battlegroups
Re-fight the battles that led to Dunkirk with Rapid Fire! Blitzkrieg Battlegroups
Handy, points-balanced battlegroups that capture the ‘feel’ of the May 1940 campaign.
Battlegroup organisations for fifteen German, British and French divisions involved in some of the fiercest fighting.
Build large or small forces, with 400 point, 200 point and customised battlegroups for each division.
Equal points battlegroups give both sides a fighting chance, or pit higher points attackers against lower points defenders.
Rule points, painting tips and photo inspiration for your battlegroup building.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Medenine – Rommel’s Last Offensive
Medenine – Rommel’s Last Offensive’ is the first in a new pdf series extending our popular Battlegroups concept to the Tunisian Campaign. In March 1943 Rommel launched his last attack in North Africa against the spearhead of Monty’s 8th Army in Southern Tunisia. Pit the famous desert rats of 7th Armoured Division against the re-equipped desert veterans of 15th Panzer Division in this follow up to our ‘Monty’s Desert Battles’ book and pdfs.
400 point and 200 point (+50 point options) graphic Battlegroup orbats for British 7th Armoured Division and 15th Panzer Division in March 1943.
Medenine’ scenario with historical background, special rules and battle map.
Two fictional scenarios to fight with other battlegroup configurations.
Terrain tips and plenty of action photos of model vehicles, guns and figures to aid your modelling and painting.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Tebaga Gap — Monty’s Blitzkrieg
‘Tebaga Gap — Monty’s Blitzkrieg’ is the second of the pdf scenario series that extends our popular Battlegroups concept into the Tunisian campaign of 1943.
After Monty’s victory at Medenine 8th Army advanced on the fortified Mareth Line, with Monty hedging his bets by sending 2nd New Zealand Division (expanded to a corps) to outflank the defences and threaten the narrow Tebaga Gap. When the Mareth attack failed the New Zealanders were reinforced and the Gap was attacked in 8th Army’s first true air and ground ‘Blitzkrieg’.
In this ‘sequel’ to our ‘Monty’s Desert Battles’ book and pdfs you’ll find:
• 400 point and 200 point (+50 point options) graphic Battlegroup orbats for 2nd New Zealand Division/Corps and 164th Light Africa Division in March 1943.
• Divisional level ‘Tebaga Gap’ scenario with historical background, special rules and battle map, plus added airpower and Axis hidden marker sheet.
• Bonus ‘Raid on 1st Armoured’s Rear’ scenario. A fast and furious game to play over and over!
• Action photos of model vehicles, guns and figures to inspire your modelling and painting.
Also available at Wargames Vault

Ruweisat Ridge – Auchinleck Stops Rommel is the first in a new PDF series extending our popular Battlegroups concept back to the Western Desert battles that preceded El Alamein.
In May 1942, Rommel inflicted his most catastrophic defeat on 8th Army at Gazala. General Auchinleck had to gather his retreating forces at the El Alamein 'choke point' or Eygpt and the Suez Canal were lost. Pit the under-strength veterans of 21st Panzer Division against the makeshift remains of 1st Armored Division and the cobbled together 'Robcol' mobile column in this 'prequel' to our Monty's Desert Battles book and PDFs.
400-point and 200-point (+50 point options) graphic Battlegroup orbats for British 1st Armored Division (including the 'Robcol' mobile column) and 21st Panzer Division in July 1942
'Ruweisat Ridge' scenario with historical background, special rules and battle map
Bonus 'Deir el Shein' scenario (the action that preceded 'Ruweisat')
15 action photos of model vehicles, guns and figures to inspire your modelling and painting
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Normandy Battlegroups
A full colour, fully illustrated order of battle book for recreating the Normandy battles in June 1944.
Manageable forces that capture the feel of the key divisions.
400 point, 200 point and custom units representing British 3rd and 50th Infantry Divisions, British 7th Armoured Division, Canadian 3rd Infantry Division. US 101st Airborne, 2nd Armored and 29th Infantry Division, German 21st Panzer, 12th SS Panzer, Panzer Lehr, 352nd Infantry, 17th SS Panzer Grenadier, 91st Air Landing Divisions and 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment.
Points-balanced battlegroups give both sides a fighting chance of victory.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire! Normandy Battlegames
Twelve historical scenarios to fight with the forces from Normandy Battlegroups.
Historical backgrounds, battle maps, victory conditions and organisational variations.
Additional Normandy rules.
New standardised terrain system that makes setting up simpler.
Two new Battlegroups in graphic format for British 6th Airborne and US 82nd Airborne Divisions.
Includes a Battle for Carentan mini campaign.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Lightfoot's Southern Assault
'Lightfoot's Southern Assault is the latest scenario for 'Monty's Desert Battles' in pdf format only and completes our coverage of this epic battle.
It depicts the diversionary attack in the south by 7th Armoured Division during the battle of El Alamein and is a companion game to the Naqb Rala and Lightfoot' scenarios in our 'Monty's Desert Battles' book and our last pdf, Lightfoots Left Flank.
Play this scenario alone or combine it with the other scenarios to fight the whole of the Battle of El Alamein. An ideal club project to commemorate the 70th anniversary.
Take command of the Desert Rats or the tough paratroopers of the Folgore Division and Ramcke Brigade. Can 7th Armoured break through the Axis minefields and keep 21st Panzer Division pinned in the southern part of the Alamein battlefield? Or will the resolute Axis paratroops inflict enough casualties to force a Desert Rat withdrawal?
Played at the reduced divisional level RF ratio, 'Lightfoot's Southern Assault', features less formidable minefield defences and a large scale tank assault, all played on a recommended 8' x 5' size table.
The 'Lightfoot's Southern Assault' pdf includes background history, special rules, battle map, full graphic orbats for both forces and no less than 24 new photographs!
You will need a copy of 'Monty's Desert Battles' to play this game.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Lightfoot's Left Flank - Masters of Miteiriya Ridge
'Lightfoot's Left Flank - Masters of Miteiriya Ridge' - is a new scenario for 'Monty's Desert Battles' in pdf format only.
It covers the left flank of the main northern 'Lightfoot' assault during the battle of El Alamein and is a companion game to the Lightfoot' scenario in our 'Monty's Desert Battle's' book.
Play this scenario alone or combine it with 'Lightfoot' to fight the whole Northern assault: an ideal club project to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein on October 23rd 2012.
Take command of the gutsy South African and New Zealand infantry brigades and the 'breakthrough' armour of 10th Armoured Division, or dig in as the Axis commander of the tenacious German and Italian defender.
Played at the reduced divisional level RF ratio, 'Lightfoot's Left Flank ', like 'Lightfoot', features minefield defences, large scale infantry assault, and even more attacking and counter-attacking armour, all played on a recommended 9' x 6' size table.
The 'Lightfoot's Left Flank' pdf includes background history, special rules, battle map, full graphic orbats for both forces, 15 new photographs and details of how to combine it with 'Lightfoot' to re-fight the greatest desert battle in history!
You will need a copy of 'Monty's Desert Battles' to play this game.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Monty's Desert Battles
Contains all the information you need to build and play with the forces that Rommel and Montgomery commanded in late 1942, including the momentous battle of El Alamein: the first major British victory of World War II. Includes:
- Setting the scene from the loss of Tobruk to the fall of Tripoli
- 30 pages of graphic organisation charts down to company level
- New and adapted rules to capture the flavour of desert combat in late 1942
- Details of how both sides fought and manoeuvered
- 8 historical battles for you to fight at battalion, brigade and divisional level
- Tips on creating scenarios, building terrain and painting your armies
- Full colour, with over 80 photographs
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Bulge recreates the winter battle for the forests, hills and villages of the Ardennes region in 1944/45.
Detailed research - including three visits to the Ardennes battle sites in winter - gives the games in this book added authenticity, with the usual RF! attention to playability. You'll also find plenty of information to help you create your own 'Bulge' armies and typical scenarios.
- 72 pages in full colour!
- 63 photographs of the wargames models used to play the games and the battle sites today
- 20 pictorial orbats for typical and scenario-specific German and American Battle of the Bulge units, plus many more in table form
- 10 scenarios - split between large and small games - with history, orbats, special rules, battle maps, tactical tips and design decisions
- A unique 'what if?' mini-campaign, simulating the Allies' greatest fear: a breakthrough to the River Meuse by Kampfgruppe Peiper.
- Scenery, uniform and vehicle camouflage tips
Maps showing key locations and Kampfgruppe Peiper's route. Many transferable units and rules for other NW Europe games.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Scenarios for NW Europe 1944-45
This 72 page book offers the Rapid Fire! player no less than 17 carefully researched historical scenarios in 5 sections:
- Introduction and beginners battle;
- D-Day and Normandy;
- France, Belgium and Holland;
- The Ardennes and German Border, and
- Germany and Northern Holland.
- Between them, the scenarios cover every month of the NW Europe Campaign and the whole range of troops, equipment and tactical situations, including beach landings, river crossings, airborne assaults and daring raids.
Inside, you'll find a game-friendly layout, with new-look maps and special rules combined on the same page, backed up by historical background, game objectives and full orders of battle. Each scenario also has its own Game Notes page, with information and hints on terrain, game design and tactics, plus all the key fighting vehicle and gun data you need to play.
The book also boasts 8 colour pages with 29 action shots of the models and figures used to game-test the scenarios: all of them close-up enough to double as painting and modelling guides. Finally, the book includes black and white photographs, maps, tactical diagrams and hints on painting and modelling. It's the complete package for the W.W.II gamer and for other miniatures players who want to try something new!
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire D - Day 6th June 1944
Contains orders of battle for all the forces committed to the invasion and units defending the Normandy coastline on 6th June 1944.
Eight game scenarios covering the five landing beaches
- Utah
- Omaha
- Gold
- Juno
- Sword
the capture of St Mere-Eglise by US airborne forces and counter-attacks by 21 Panzer Division against the British airborne bridgehead and Sword Beach
- Detailed plans showing assault forces and key Atlantic Wall strongpoints
- Historical summaries of Allied objectives and actual events.
- 72 pages + 8 pages of colour plates.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Guide to the North African Campaign February to June 1941
Featuring the major engagements from Rommel's arrival in Africa to the abortive Operation Battleaxe.
- 40 full colour pages
- Divisional orders of battle
- Suggestions on how to create 'scaled down' representation of these major formations.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Supercharge - Balaclava in Tanks
Operation Supercharge - Balaclava in Tanks' - a new scenario for 'Monty's Desert Battles' in pdf format only.
As featured on the cover of 'Monty's Desert Battles', Operation Supercharge is a large brigade level game representing the crucial 'break in' battle at El Alamein that triggered the end for Rommel's forces.
Take command of the heroic 9th Armoured Brigade in the attack that few expected to return from, or muster the dogged Axis defences to blunt 8th Army's advance in this epic desert conflict.
Played at the normal RF ratios, 'Operation Supercharge' features a much weaker minefield defence, an infantry assault, and attacking and counter-attacking armour, all played on a recommended 8' x 5' size table.
The 'Operation Supercharge' pdf includes background history, special rules, battle map, full graphic orbats for both forces and 14 new photographs!
You will need a copy of 'Monty's Desert Battles' to play this game.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire German Tank Units Russian Front 1941 - 1942
- 40 full colour pages
- Graphic orders of battle
Includes panzer units at Kharkov and Stalingrad,the organisation of early kampfgruppen and lots of specialist units.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Russian Tank Units 1941 - 1942
- 44 full colour pages
- Graphic orders of battle
Includes fully illustrated RF orders of battle of tank regiments in mechanised divisions, early and later tank brigades, tank units at Stalingrad, heavy tank units and supporting infantry formations
Packed with historical and modelling information.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Operation Market Garden September 1944
Campaign history of this epic struggle for the route to the famous 'Bridge Too Far'
Orders of battle for the British and American airborne divisions, XXX Corps and all the German units that opposed them
8 scenarios and a 'grand manner' game based on the British 1st Airborne battle at Arnhem
72 black and white and 8 colour pages.
Also available at Wargames Vault
Rapid Fire Scenarios for the Russian Front 1941 - 1945
14 diverse scenarios including cavalry actions and amphibious landings with rule suggestions for winter and house to house fighting.
Rapid Fire Unit Organisations for the Russian Front 1941 - 1945
A comprehensive guide to the basic organisations fighting of the Russian Front including
- German
- Romanian
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Slovakian
- Finish
- Soviet
Rapid Fire Unit Organisations for the 1944-45 Campaign in North West Europe
Standard units and formations for the 44/45 campaign in NW Europe.
Rapid Fire German Tank Units - Russian Front 1943 - 1945
Details of actual units including the 6th Panzer Division at Kursk and the short lived Panzer Brigades.
Rapid Fire Soviet Tank Units - Russian Front 1941 - 1942
Early Soviet units including the mixed arms tank brigades.
Rapid Fire Soviet Tank Units - Russian Front 1943 - 1945
Late war Soviet units including heavy tank regiments and details of American tank formations.
Rapid Fire German Tank Units - Russian Front 1941 - 1942
Lots more actual German panzer units for the early war period including the forces engaged at Stalingrad.
Rapid Fire Unit Organisations for The North African Campaign
A historical summary detailing events from Rommel's arrival in the desert to the British attempt to relieve Tobruk Operation Battleaxe. Orders of battle to all the major engagements.
Rapid Fire Downloads
- The Rapid Fire! playsheet
- The Risk Zone template Download Risk Zone Template
- Many more downloads can be found at Rapid Fire Rules
Other People's Rapid Fire Downloads
Brad Smith
World War I
World War II
- Khalkhin-Gol 2nd July, 1939 Manchuria V 1.0
- Ernage 15th May, 1940 France V 1.0
- Battle for Agordat 30th January, 1941 Eritrea V 1.0
- Sidi Rezegh - the Second Day 22nd November, 1941 North Africa V 1.2.1
- Yakhroma 28th November, 1941 Russia V 1.0
- Layac Junction 6th January, 1942 Philippines V 1.4
- Sittang 22nd February, 1942 Burma V 1.0.3
- Isurava 29th August 1942 New Guinea V 1.1.4
- Battle of Brigade Hill 8th September 1942 Efogi, New Guinea V 1.0
- Kampfgruppe Peiper Ambush at Jeremejewska 20th February 1943 Russia V 1.0.3
- Prokhorovka 12th July 1943 Kursk, Russia V 1.0.2
- Lissjanka 14th February 1944 Lissjanka, Ukraine V 1.0.1
- Peleliu Beach Landing 15th September 1944,Palau Islands, Pacific V 1.0.1
- 101st Airborne at the Son Bridges 19th September 1944, Holland V 1.0.2
- Veghel-Erp 22nd September 1944, Holland V 1.0
- Rimling 9th January 1945 - Eastern France V 1.0
- Biscke 3rd January 1945 - Hungary V 1.0
- Clark Field 31st January 1945 - Philippines V 1.0.2
- Kustrin Corridor 22nd March 1945 - East Germany V 1.2.1
Paul Stevenson
Mark Piper
World War I
World War II
A coalition of work by Piers Brand, John Dowman, Tim King, Andy Rix, and Rob Rowell Edited by Tim King
My Rapid Fire Downloads & Adaptations
World War I
World War II
- Corinth Canal 27th April, 1941 Crete
- Maleme Airfield 20th May, 1941 Crete
- Battle for Prison Valley 20th May, 1941 Crete V 1.1.5
- Isurava 29th August 1942 New Guinea V 1.1.4 (26/2/07)
- Battle of Brigade Hill 8th September 1942 Efogi, New Guinea V 1.0
- Operation Fustian 15th-17th July, 1943 Primosole Bridge Sicily V 1.5.7
- Operation Typhoon - the Battle for Leros 12th November, 1943 Dodecanese Islands Mediterranean V 1.4.4
- Airborne Assault on the Merville Battery 6th June, 1944 Normandy V 1.1.6
- Bretteville 8th June, 1944 Normandy
- Battle for Rots 11th June, 1944 Normandy
- Le Mesnil Patry 11th June 1944 Le Mesnil Patry, Normandy V 1.1
- Night Attack on Breville 12th June 1944 East of Orne River, Normandy V 1.3
- Villers Bocage - Operation Perch 13th June, 1944
- Operation Epsom - Cheux and Haut de Bosq 26th June 1944 Near Cheux, Normandy V 1.3
- Hill 112 - Battle for the High Ground 28th June 1944 Odon Valley, Normandy V 1.0.3
- Final Battle for Gavrus 30th June 1944 Odon Valley, Normandy V 1.1.1
- Breaking the Panzers - Defence of Rauray 1st July 1944, Normandy V 1.0.8
- Operation Windsor - Attack on Carpiquet Airfield 4th July, 1944 - Carpiquet, Normandy V 1.2.3
- Operation Jupiter (1) 130th Brigade's Attack on Etterville 10th July 1944 Odon Valley, Normandy V 1.0.7
- Operation Jupiter (2) 130th Brigade's Attack on Maltot 10th July 1944 Odon Valley, Normandy V 1.0.8
- Operation Jupiter (3) 129th Brigade's Attack on Hill 112 10th July 1944 Odon Valley, Normandy V 1.0.3
- Operation Goodwood (1) - Cagny 18th July 1944 V 1.2.7
- Operation Goodwood (2) - Bras 18th July, 1944- North-East of Bourguebus Ridge, Normandy V 1.1
- Operation Express 129th Brigade's Attack on Maltot 22nd July 1944, Odon Valley, Normandy V 1.0.3
- Operation "Bluecoat" Hill 309 - 21st Panzer Division Attack 1st August, 1944 Near St Martin des Besares, Normandy V 1..0.8
- Operation "Bluecoat" Armoured Clash at Chenedolle 2nd August, 1944 Near Vire, Normandy V 1.1
- Wittmann's Last Battle - Operation Totalise (1) 8th August 1944, Normandy V 1.2
- Worthington Force at Point 140 - Operation Totalise (2) 9th August 1944, Normandy V 1.2
- Hill 159 - Operation Tractable - East of Falaise 15th August 1944, Normandy V 1.1.1
- Corridor of Death - Falaise Gap 19th August 1944, Normandy V 1.0.8
- Operation Comet 8th September 1944, Nijmegen-Grave area V 1.0.9
- The Road to Arnhem 17th September 1944, West of Arnhem Holland V 1.4
- 101st Airborne at the Son Bridges 19th September 1944, Holland V 1.0.2
- Der Hexenkessel ("The Witche's Cauldron") - 1st Airborne Defence of the Oosterbeek Perimeter 21st September 1944, West of Arnhem V 1.0.2
- Polish Brigade Defence of Driel 22nd September 1944, South-East of Arnhem Holland V 1.0.3
- Rapid Fire Vietnam V 1.0.3
- Free Forces VMG chart V 1.03
- Communist VMG chart V 1.03
- "Cigar" Island (Platoon level game) 1968 V 1.0.6
- Fight along the Rach Ba Rai 15th September 1967 - Mekong Delta Vietnam V 1.0.3
A coalition of work by Piers Brand, John Dowman, Tim King, Andy Rix, and Rob Rowell Edited by Tim King
My Rapid Fire Downloads & Adaptations
Andy Rix
Tim King
Tim King
Brad Smith
Mark Piper
Piers Brand
Rob Rowell
John Dowman
Paul Stevenson